Frequently Asked Questions
What is Family Christian Academy’s contact information?
Email: info@fcanow.com
Phone: (615) 847-3999
Fax: (615) 538-9376
Mailing: Family Christian Academy
925 Industrial Dr..
Old Hickory, TN 37138
Campus: 605 Jones St. Old Hickory Nazarene (during renovation)
How do I request a transcript or other documents?
You can request a transcript by filling out the document request form.
Processing time is up to 5-7 business days. You may have your form expedited to 1-2 business by paying a rush fee of $20.
What is an Umbrella School?
An umbrella school is a type of homeschooling option that provides legal covering and record-keeping services for families who choose to educate their children at home. These schools are also sometimes referred to as "church-related schools" and are recognized by the state as non-public schools. We offer a variety of services to homeschooling families such as curriculum guidance, testing, graduation programs, and extra-curricular activities.
Families who enroll in an umbrella school may use any curriculum they like, while FCA provides support and documentation to satisfy the state's homeschooling requirements.
Is Family Christian Academy accredited?
FCA is a charter member of the Tennessee Alliance of Church Related Schools (TN Alliance).
We are recognized by the Educational Research Bureau in Princeton, New Jersey, S.A.T., A.C.T., and Educational Services.
We are listed with the Tennessee Department of Education as a Category IV Church-Related School. Our program is entirely operated under the provisions of TCA Tennessee Code Section 49-50-801.