Professional Guidance
Experience That Matters
Curriculum Consultation
Wondering which curriculum to buy?
Concerned about a child with special needs or learning difficulties?
Considering how to put a lesson plan together?
Debating how many workbooks are really necessary?
Not sure what homeschool curricula is right for your children?
Put your mind at ease with FCA’s Curriculum Consultation. With over 20 years’ experience, our friendly staff can review student report cards, transcripts or test scores to help customize a curriculum plan that best fits your child’s needs.
FCA Curriculum Consulting helps in designing a curriculum to fit your child’s interests, recommending resources appropriate to your child’s learning level, and setting attainable goals for you and your child.
New homeschooling students should consider placement testing to determine appropriate grade levels. FCA offers Curriculum Consulting on campus, by phone, and email.
Highschool Evaluation
High school students enrolling with FCA have academic and testing requirements that must be obtained in order to receive an FCA High School Diploma. Parents can speak with an FCA guidance counselor one-on-one to determine the best plan to achieve these requirements. Our staff is able to walk you through credit requirements, review student transcripts, recommend a plan of action to meet graduation requirements, and guide you in curriculum selections.
Each high school student’s file must be evaluated to determine diploma eligibility, therefore FCA recommends evaluations for 9th-11th grade students and requires them for seniors. This process ensures students remain on track and eliminates confusion regarding credits and testing requirements. FCA offers this service via phone and is by appointment only.
Contact FCA to schedule curriculum consultation or highschool evaluation.