FCA Graduation Ceremony

FCA has the distinct privilege of offering its members an unforgettable graduation ceremony. Ceremonies are offered for Kindergarten, Fifth Grade, Eighth Grade and of course the Senior class. 

It’s so important to take time to honor students achieving these academic benchmarks from primary, elementary, middle school and high school. These academic accomplishments should be celebrated by going all out and that’s just what we do at FCA.

This joyous evening will always be remembered as one of the highlights of your families’ and friends’ lives as they see the graduates recognized for their hard work and achievements. Everyone is encouraged to attend and show their support. 

The Graduation Ceremony has a lot of special touches to help make this a day to remember. The ceremony is decorated in our patriotic shool colors to make an impression of elegance and celebration. A special memory movie with pictures of the graduates growing up, from baby or toddler to present day, on the big screen is a beautiful way to honor each graduate and show how much they have grown up. The baby pictures are especially charming and it’s tear jerking to see what God is doing in each of the students’ lives. FCA also asks that each graduate submit a personal letter of accomplishments or goals that is read as they walk across the state to receive their diploma. All of these special touches make the FCA Ceremony an occasion to remember. 

A reminder, as the primary teacher or overseer of your child’s education, parents deserve the honor of celebrating an end to this special season. Sometimes students may object because they don’t know the other participants but remember this is about celebrating a benchmark in education for the student, teacher and family. Please don’t lose sight of the goal, I encourage you to take time to celebrate the achievements of the graduates and their parent’s commitment to education. 


• 2025 location: Old Hickory Naz Sanctuary, 605 Jones St.

• Christ-centered ceremony to encourage and inspire family and friends

• Custom-made Memory Movie for each graduating class made from special pictures provided by the parents

• Elegantly decorated, patriotic, atmosphere

•  Unlimited number of guests can be in attendance for your special day

• Studio photography on site to capture your graduate in their cap & gown or to photograph the whole family

• Amazing Music and special keynote speakers

• Student recognition for honors and achievements

• Personalized ceremony, a biography of each student is read as they walk across the stage to receive their diploma

Easy as 1-2-3


Complete the FCA Graduation application. fcanow.com/graduation. Early bird prices are offered through March 31st, regular prices go into effect on April 1st. 

You will need to help us add special touches to make this a day to remember. For Senior students: We need at least 4 photos, baby or toddler photo, an elementary school photo, a middle school photo and a current photo. For K-8th grade: We need a baby photo, a toddler photo, your favorite photo and a current photo. Additionally, we will need you to write a short biography so that we have personalized content to read as the graduate crosses the stage to receive their diploma. You can write about their accomplishments you are proud of, their plans for college, career plans or future, a special Bible verse that they love or that you want them to remember. It needs to be brief, 4-5 sentences. For K-8th graders, tell us what you want to be or do when you grow up. This is part of the graduation application process. 


We recommend that you begin preparing your guest list right away. Invite family and friends to celebrate this special day with you.


Seniors: FCA requires that parents of senior students have a “senior consultation” to review with a guidance counselor: course path, credit history, testing and diploma requirements. Please register for your “senior consultation” by going to fcanow.com/request or complete as a part of your graduation application. Next, select a date or time and time and our office will confirm availability and communicate with you by email to prepare for your “senior consultation”.